Partnering to Improve Labor Transparency in Thailand’s Sugarcane Industry
Quick Facts:
Partnership: FairAgora, Winrock, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Facilitator: Resonance
Time period: August 2019-August 2020
Country: Thailand
The Challenge –
Agricultural supply chains are highly complex, with
many production tiers and involved stakeholders.
This makes product traceability and assurance of
fair labor standards along the supply chain a
challenge. Thailand’s sugarcane industry is no
exception, where workers are susceptible to forced
labor and exploitation.
Verifik8: An Innovative Technology Solution –
Transparent sourcing of sugarcane is essential to
ensure the integrity and sustainability of the supply
chain. Developed by Thailand-based social
enterprise FairAgora Asia, Verifik8 (V8) is a
sustainability analytics platform that helps monitor
and ensure social and environmental sustainability
down to the farm level, and links industry
stakeholders through a common digitized platform.
The Partnership –
Given the aligned interest to reduce the risk of
forced labor and improve worker wellbeing in
Thailand, the United States Agency for
International Development Thailand Counter
Trafficking in Persons (USAID Thailand CTIP) project
partnered with FairAgora Asia to team up with Thai
sugarcane producers, PepsiCo, and Nestle to add
new social metrics and functions to V8 to better
monitor labor practices and support worker
wellbeing in Thailand’s sugarcane supply chain.
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