Impact Project
Engage, initiate, replicate, drive to scale
A pre-competitive & Collaborative Platform for sustainable sugarcane/ bagasse production in Thailand with Bonsucro standard
Smallholding farms are a critical component of sugarcane farming; in Thailand alone (second
largest world exporter of sugar), sugarcane is almost exclusively produced by 330,000 independent small farmers.
To date, some projects and initiatives have tried to incorporate small farmers in the sustainability movements but haven’t reached scale.
The Thai sugarcane industry is starting its sustainability journey; with the supports of sugar
buyers, they are targeting Bonsucro standard as a logical framework for market access; however, the Thai millers are lacking proving scalable solutions to roll out sustainability to thousands of small farmers, preventing expansion of sustainability and therefore preventing farmers to access to benefit from sustainability growing, production and trading yield and productivity improvement.
Read more about VerifiK8 full allingment on Smallholder production standard click

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It will be updated regularly as we progress. Thank you for your patience!