FairAgora is involved in ths FIP SEASAIP standard development, a mulitstakeholder initiative to develop social and environmental compliance scheme, specific to the Southeast Asian context.
1- Review verification scheme to advise FIP & SEASAIP Steering committees
2- Develop audit tools, in the form of a checklist and verification manual, for the South East Asia Sustainable Aquaculture Improvement Protocol (SEASAIP) & Fisheries Improvement Protocol (FIP): Verification scheme; Verification roles and responsibilities; Scope, Eligibility Criteria; Verification system: Self-Verification, Scoring, Periodic monitoring, Access to Verification Information, Stakeholders’ engagement, Management System (MS), Verification fees.
3- Develop verification system for FIP & SEASAIP
Watch the video below or contact us for more information.

This page is a work in progress
It will be updated regularly as we progress. Thank you for your patience!