The seafood industry has one of the most complicated supply chains in the world, with sometimes up to seven companies involved from catch to plate, each keeping records on paper in long distance locations. In fisheries, traceability is defined as the ability to track the source of seafood, the conditions under which it is farmed or caught, and the intermediaries it passes through. Improving traceability is critical to promoting sustainability in both aquaculture and wild-caught fish.
FairAgora, a corporate social responsability firm based in Bangkok, aims to help buyers audit seafood suppliers so they can be sure that sustainability claims are true. The system is called Verifik8 and can be used to track, manage and display social and environmental data on seafood operations.

Credits: Rabobank
Verifik8 makes producers comply to regulatory pressure from importing markets, meet the costumers' demand for responsible sourcing and identify the environmental and social risks in its supply chain.The software connects producers and buyers through mobile-based data collection and data monitoring for visible compliance in order to build trust across the supply chain. Verifik8 ultimately allows smaller operators to compete in global supply chains without requiring expensive systems of their own.
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