Website To-Do List
Home Page
- Change caption on first image
- Link "Find out more" to "Mission" page
- Change ASC image?
- Add 2nd project
- Link projects to relevant page
- Add testimonials
- Beautify "Compliance Partners"
- Add small contact section at bottom
- Create page designs
- Use other sites for inspiration
- Write our "mission" and "vision"
- Write about how we achieve it
- technology
- expertise
- partnerships
Our Team
- Add squares for team members with a photo and a small description. Clicking on photos has a link to their YouTube videos
- Subheadings:
- Our values
- Our expertise
- Create individual pages for each of the projects shown. Use the same format
- Beautify main page
- Create expert papers page in style of projects page, but with a short intro to the documents. Add something that says to read more sign up for our newsletter.
/or look at v8 press page for inspiration
talk to juliette - what do we need to show - g forms